
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

*Asterisk denotes graduate student.

  1. *Zhang, P., Fahey, R. T., and Park, S. (2024) The importance of current and potential tree canopy on urban vacant lots for landscape connectivity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 94: 128235.
  2. *Zhang P. and Park, S. (2023) VLAS: Vacant Land Assessment System for Urban Renewal and Greenspace Planning in Legacy Cities. Sustainability. 15(12):9525.
  3. *Zhang, P., Ghosh, D., and Park, S. (2023) Spatial Measures and Methods in Sustainable Urban Morphology: A Systematic Review. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume 237, 104776.
  4. *Zhang, P. and Park, S. (2023) Investigating Spatial Heterogeneity of Park Inequity Using Three Access Measures: A Case Study in Hartford, Connecticut. Applied Geography. Volume 151, 2023, 102857,
  5. *Zhang, P. and Park, S. (2022) Tree Canopy on Vacant Lots: Neglected Resources for Ecological Landscape Connectivity. Landscape Research Record. CELA Conference Paper. No. 11, 173-186.
  6. Park, S., Kim, S., Lee, J. et al. (2022) Evolving norms: social media data analysis on parks and greenspaces perception changes before and after the COVID 19 pandemic using a machine learning approach. Nature Scientific Reports 12, 13246.
  7. Brown, L., Basak-Smith, M., Bradley, K., Stearns, S., Morzillo, A. and Park, S. (2021) Exploring the Implications of Increased Rural Trail Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Planning, Equity and Inclusivity. CHOICES Special Issue.
  8. Park, S. (2020) Rethinking Design Studios as Integrative Multi-Layered Collaboration Environment. Journal of Urban Design. 25(4): 523-550.
  9. Park, S., Kim, S. and Lee, J. (2020) A Pilot Study on the Relationship between Urban Green Spaces and Fine Particulate Matter. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research. 7(1). Article 3.
  10. Jung, K., Nguyen, V., Yoo, S., Kim, S., Park, S., and Currie, M. (2020) PalmitoAR: The last battle of the U.S. Civil War Reenacted using Augmented Reality. International Journal of Geo-Information. 9, 75.
  11. Park, S. (2017) A Preliminary Study on Connectivity and Perceived Values of Community Green Spaces. Sustainability Open Access Journal. 9(5): 692.
  12. Park, S. (2015) Spatial Assessment of Landscape Ecological Connectivity in Different Urban Gradient. Environmental Assessment and Monitoring. 187(7): 187-425.
  13. Park, S., Hepcan, Ç, Hepcan, Ş., Cook, E. A. (2014) Influence of Urban Form on Landscape Pattern and Connectivity in Metropolitan Regions: A Comparative Case Study of Phoenix, Arizona, USA and Izmir, Turkey, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186(10):6301-6318.
  14. Sim, Y.J., Cho, D.G., Park, S., Lee, D.J., Seo, Y.H., Kim, S.H., Kim, D.H., Kho, S.B., Cha, J.Y., Sung, H.C. (2014) Development of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for Habitat Restoration of Narrow-mouthed Toad (Kaloula borealis), Korea Environmental Restoration Technology Journal. 17(2):109-123.
  15. Park, S. (2013) Spatiotemporal Landscape Pattern Change in Response to Future Urbanization: A Case of the Maricopa County, Arizona, USA. Landscape Research. 38(5): 625-648.
  16. Park, Y.H., Kim, K., Sung, H.C., Lee, G., S., Choi, J. (2007) Recognition and Improvement of Rural Landscape Management System, Korea Rural Planning Journal. 13(3): 103-110.
  17. Choi, J., Park, S., Lee, D.K., Shin, K., Hong, T. (2006) Guidelines for the Establishment and Vitalization Scheme on Facility of Nature Environmental Conservation and its Utilization, Korean Environmental Restoration and Technology Journal, 9(4): 36-51.
  18. Choi, J., Park, S., Lee, DK. (2005) Spatial Analysis on the Facility of Nature Environmental Conservation and Utilization, Korean Society for Environmental Restoration and Revegetation Technology Journal, 8(1): 52-62.

Peer-reviewed Books (Translated books)

  1. Cho, D.G., Park, S., Cha, J.Y., Cho, S.H., Roh, B.G., Kim, S.W., Yang, Y.J. (2016) Project Planning and Management for Ecological Restoration (Translation into Korean) for the original book written by John Rieger, John Stanley, and Ray Traynor, Island Press
  2. Cho, D.G., Park, S., Cha, J.Y., Cho, S.H., Roh, B.G., and Kim, S.W. (2015) Ecological Restoration: Principles, Values, and Structure of an Emerging Profession (translation into Korean) for the original book written by Andre F. Clewell and James Aronson (Eds.), Island Press.

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

  1. Park, S. Urban Ecosystem Services of Interconnected Parks and Green Spaces: Key Drivers of Community Resilience. Abstract submitted in February 2020; Under Review
  2. Johnson, B.R., Brown, I., Pierce, J.R., Barton, M., Park, S., Alberti, M., Hallett, L., Harrigan, R., Jessup, K., Yun, M., Mooney, P., Yok, T.P. A Call to Action for Planning and Management of Urban Biodiversity. Book proposal submitted in 2018 for Routledge publication. Anticipated Press in 2021.
  3. Gamzøe, L. and Park, S. (2012) Turning Cities Around, a book chapter of Remaking Metropolis: Global Challenges of the Urban Landscape (Eds. Cook, E.A. and Lara, J.) Routledge: New York. Paperback 978-0-415-67082-1; Hardback 978-0-415-67081-4. PP. 185-202.

Peer-reviewed Book Reviews

  1. Park, S. (2020) Invited Book Review: Geostories: Another Architecture for the Environment, Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy, Second Edition. Actar Publishers. 2020. 232 pp. Landscape Journal 38: 1-2. Anticipated Press in late June 2020. 
  2. Park, S. (2010) Book Review: Restorative Commons: for Restorative Commons: Creating Health and Well-Being Through Urban Landscapes, Campbell, L. and A. Wiesen (eds.), S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA., 2009, 278 pp. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-39. Landscape Ecology 25(10): 1627-1628.
  3. Park, S. (2011) Book Review: Balance and Reconciliation between Planning and Ecology for Urban Region: for Urban Regions, Richard T.T. Forman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, 408 pp. Urban Studies Journal 48(4):832-835.

Peer-reviewed Reports

  1. Park, S., Ali, Z. & Zhang, P., (2024). Landscape Architecture Solutions to Biodiversity Loss: Executive Summary. American Society of Landscape Architects Fund.
  2. Park, S., Ali, Z. & Zhang, P., (2024). Landscape Architecture Solutions to Biodiversity Loss: Full Study. American Society of Landscape Architects Fund.

Conference Abstracts/Proceedings

*Asterisk denotes student presentations.

  • *Zhang, P. and Park, S. Examining Environmental Equity by Public Park Provision in Post-industrial Cities: A Case Study in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Poster Presentation. The ACSP 60th Annual Conference. November 5-8, 2020. Toronto, Ontario, CA.
  • Park, S., and Henry, W. Forest Landscape Conservation in Local Land Use Planning. The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual Conference, March 18-21, 2020. Louisville, KY. Abstract Accepted; Conference canceled due to COVID-19
  • *Zhang, P. and Park, S. Exploring the Role of Greening and Place-making in Vacant Lots Management for Addressing Environmental Injustice in Hartford, CT. The CELA Conference, March 18-21, 2020. Louisville, KY. Abstract Accepted; Conference canceled due to COVID-19
  • Park, S., Zhang, P. Ross, M., Ross, O.S., Currie, M., and Jung, K., Landscape Architectural Approach on Battlefield Landscape Preservation. The CELA Annual Conference, March 18-21, 2020. Louisville, KY. Abstract Accepted; Conference canceled due to COVID-19
  • *Zhang, P. and Park, S. Examining Environmental Equity by Public Park Provision in Post-Industrial Cities: A Case Study in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. November 5-8, 2020. Toronto, Canada.
  • *Wu, T. and Park, S. Coastal Resilience Planning in Connecticut. Poster Presentation. International GeoDesign Collaboration. February 22-24, 2020. Redlands, CA.
  • *Nguyen, V., Jung, K., Yoo, S., Kim, SM., Park, S., and Currie, MA. Civil War Battlefield Experience at Home: Historical Event Simulation Using Augmented Reality Technology. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality (AIVR), December 9-11, 2019. San Diego, CA.
  • *Zhang, P., Park, S., and Schwab, K. Greening and Placemaking in Vacant Lots Transformation. Southern New England American Planning Association (SNEAPA) Annual Conference, October 18, 2019. Springfield, MA
  • Park, S., Lee, JH, and Kim, SM. The Relationships between Urban Green Spaces and Fine Particulate Matter in Six Largest Cities in Texas. The CELA Annual Conference, March 6-9, 2019. Sacramento, CA.
  • Lee, J. Lee, DK, Park, S. Physiological and Psychological Validation of the Effects of Urban Parks on Youth in South Korea. The Annual Conference of American Geophysical Union (AGU), December, 10-14, 2018. Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Park, S. The Effects of Green Space Morphology on Urban Air Environments. The 3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium (WMCAUS), June 18-22, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Park, S. Applicability and Implications of Telecoupling Framework on Rangeland Ecosystem Services. International Association for Landscape Ecology-US Chapter (US-IALE) Annual Conference, April 8-12, 2018. Chicago, Illinois.
  • Park, S. and Ross, M. Diversifying Collaborative Learning Experiences in Design Studio. CELA Annual Conference, March 21-24, 2018. Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • Nelson, K., Horsford, J., Bernard, E., Park, S., Luo, Y., Klein, C., Currie, M, and Ross, M. Semester of Learning: A qualitative Evaluation of the Development and Implementation of an Integrated Course Model. CELA Annual Conference, March 21-24, 2018. Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • *Fereshtehnezhad, M. & Park, S. Ecological Performance and Sustainability Criteria in Contemporary Urbanism Paradigms: A Comparative Analysis of Landscape Urbanism and New Urbanism. CELA Annual Conference, March 21-24, 2018. Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • *Sharmin, A. & Park, S. Rethinking Schoolyard.  CELA Annual Conference, March 21-24, 2018. Blacksburg, Virginia.
  • Park, S. Urban Biodiversity Working Group, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Sustainable Cities and Landscape Conference, September 15-17, 2017. Portland, Oregon.
  • *Ross, M.K. & Park, S. Landscape Reimagined: Ecology as Design Intervention. CELA Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2017. Beijing, China.
  • Park, S. Palmito Ranch Battlefield Landscape: Cultural Heritage, Ecological Values, and Emerging Challenges. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, April 5-9, 2017. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Park, S. & *Horsford, J.  Forgotten Ecosystem Services: Conflicting Values between Storm Water Management and Ecological Integrity in Urban Playa Lakes. CELA Annual Conference, March 23-26, 2016. Salt Lake City & Logan, Utah.
  • Klein, C., Park, S., & Luo, Y.  Five to Four: What Difference Does A Year Make? Panel Discussion, Texas Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference, April 28-29, 2016. Fort Worth, Texas.
  • Park, S. & Cho, D.K. Developing Habitat Restoration Model for Narrow-mouth Frog (Kaloula borealis). Society for Ecological Restoration Texas Chapter, November 13-15, 2016. San Antonio, Texas.
  • Park, S. Shim, Y.J., Cho, D.G., and Ko, S.B. Development of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for Habitat Restoration of Narrow-mouth Frog (Kaloula borealis). CELA Annual Conference, March 24- 28, 2015. Kansas University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Park, S. Urbanite vs. Suburbanite: A preliminary case study on community landscape preference and ecological quality, CELA Annual Conference, March 24- 28, 2015. Kansas University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Sim, Y.J., Cho, D.G., Park, S., et al., A Study on Development of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for Habitat Restoration of Narrow-mouthed Toad (Kaloula borealis), Spring Plenary of the Korea Society for Environmental Restoration and Technology, April 11th 2014. Seoul, Korea.
  • Park, S. First Step to Green Infrastructure in Changing Climate (Plenary Speaker), the 10th International Symposium of Global Ecoculture Forum, Oct 30-Nov 1, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
  • Park, S. Case Study: Physical Characteristics and Residents’ Perception of Neighborhood Green Spaces in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, US-IALE 2013 Annual Symposium, April 14-18, 2013. Austin, Texas.
  • Park, S. Ecological evaluation of green spaces at neighborhood scale, ACSP 53rd Annual Conference, Nov. 1-4, 2012. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
  • Park, S. Least-cost modeling for ecological connectivity assessment in urban desert landscape, Ph.D. Poster Exhibit, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts Design Gallery, Sep 24-Oct.8, 2011. Tempe, Arizona.
  • Park, S. Urban morphology and landscape connectivity in metropolitan regions with cultural difference, The 8th IALE World Congress, August 18-23, 2011.  Beijing, China.
  • Park, S. GIS-based ecological connectivity assessment along urban modification gradient: Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan landscape, US-IALE Annual Conference, April 3-7, 2011. Portland, Oregon.
  • Park, S. What characterizes ecologically sustainable community? CELA Annual conference, March 30- April 2, 2011. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Park, S. Landscape connectivity and urban density, Ph.D. Poster Exhibit, Sep 28- Oct 16, 2010. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts Design Gallery. Tempe, Arizona
  • Park, S. Effects of urbanization on ecosystem loss and connectivity in Maricopa County, Arizona, Ph.D. Poster Exhibit, Sep 28- Oct 16, 2010. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts Design Gallery. Tempe, Arizona
  • Park, S. Landscape connectivity assessment in the Phoenix metropolitan region: an integrative approach of landscape ecology and planning, CELA Annual Conference, May 12-14, 2010. Maastricht, Netherlands.
  • Park, S. Urban ecosystem pattern change in response to future urban developments in Maricopa County, AZ, USA, Poster presentation, US-IALE 25th Anniversary Symposium, April 5-9, 2010. Athens, Georgia.
  • Park, S. Accessing nature as ecological public spaces, International Symposium on Universal Design and Vsitability: from Accessibility to Zoning, July 13-14, 2006. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Park, S. A study on the guideline in constructing nature environmental conservation and its utilization, Spring Plenary of the Korea Society for Environmental Restoration and Revegetation Technology, March 18, 2005. SH Corporation, Seoul, Korea
  • Park, S. Land use change and conservation assessment in Imjin river basin, Spring Plenary of the Korea Society for Environmental Restoration and Revegetation Technology, May 9-10, 2003. Urban Development Corp.: Seoul, Korea.
  • Kim, Y. & Park, S. A basic study on the concepts and methodologies of a national ecological network, Korea Society for Environmental Restoration and Revegetation Technology, Oct. 18-19, 2002. Korea Water Resources Corp, Seoul, Korea.
  • Jeon, S. & Park, S. A new strategy in nature policy: national ecological network in South Korea, The INTECOL (International Association for Ecology) International Congress, August 11-18, 2002. COEX, World Trade Center: Seoul, Korea.